La viuda negra griselda blanco biography meaning

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Griselda Blanco Restrepo (February 15, – September 3, ) was a Colombian drug lord who was prominent in the cocaine-based drug trade and underworld of Miami, during the s through the early s, and who has also been claimed by some to have been part of the Medellín Cartel.
la viuda negra griselda blanco biography meaning

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Although Griselda Blanco was known for several other nicknames, it's interesting why she was called the Black Widow.

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Colombian drug lord of the Medellín Cartel and a pioneer in the Miami-based cocaine drug trade and underworld during the s and early s.
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Ana Griselda Blanco Restrepo, conocida simplemente como Griselda Blanco o por sus apodos de ‘La viuda negra’ o ‘La madrina de la cocaína’, fue una narcotraficante originaria Missing: biography · meaning.