Costantino nigra biography of michael jackson

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Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, – June 25, ) was an American singer, songwriter, dancer, and philanthropist.

costantino nigra biography of michael jackson

Costantino nigra biography of michael jackson

Interesting Facts about Michael Jackson • He was the best selling artist in the United States for , the year of his death.

Costantino nigra biography of michael jackson for kids

Costantino Nigra nacque l’11 giugno del a Villa Castelnuovo, piccolo comune canavesano della Valle Sacra vicino a Cuorgné, e morì a Rapallo il 1 luglio del Diplomatico, segretario del D’Azeglio, compagno di Cavour ai congressi di Parigi e Plombières, è stato un grande poeta romantico.
Costantino nigra biography of michael jackson life
[47] [48] Following Jackson's death in , sales of his previous work soared, with his compilation albums Number Ones () and The Essential Michael Jackson () becoming the first catalog albums to outsell any new album and becoming international best-sellers.