Boj on the microphone biography examples

Boj on the microphone biography examples youtube

Meet BOJ on the microphone, one of the sexiest Afrofusion voices and co-founder of the Alté scene that celebrates its 10th anniversary this year.

boj on the microphone biography examples

Boj on the microphone biography examples

BOJ’s solo career took flight with the release of his debut single, “Bolaji” followed by his critically acclaimed mixtape, “BOTM” (Bolaji To The Microphone) which was released on the 14th .

Boj on the microphone biography examples pdf

In , Boj released a mictape #BOTM (Boj on the Microphone) which saw some success.

Boj on the microphone biography examples images
Boj, also known as Boj on the Microphone, is a prominent Nigerian artist and a key figure in the Alte scene.